Rookie Blue s02e10 Season 2 Episode 10 Best Laid Plans

Rookie Blue s02e10 Season 2 Episode 10 Best Laid Plans | Streaming - episode 10 will be present to accompany you on August 25, 2011 with the title "Best Laid Plans". This episode is a continuation of episode 9, which aired on August 18, 2011 with the title "Brotherhood". Rookie Blue s02e10 Summary: While working a kidnapping case, Andy and Swarek find themselves on the scene of a car accident. As Swarek and the rest of Division 15 pursue the kidnapper and missing child, Andy remains at the scene with a woman trapped in her car. A transgression involving Gail puts Chris at odds with Dov. Andy concludes that it's time to re-evaluate her life.

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